In 1988, the original Edge of the Universe Players presented RE-SUR-REK, a “vicious comedy” that found similar characters and similar power structures in three worlds: a shared house of countercultural free spirits, a corporate headquarters, and a fundamentalist Christian church. In that play, the corporation eventually became all-powerful, and both the shared house and the church in the end became just like the corporation. To the surprise of many, RE-SUR-REK received a round of highly favorable reviews; Bob Mondello in City Paper even expressed a hope for weeks of extended performances.
In 2012, Bill Goodman, author of RE-SUR-REK, started The Edge of the Universe Players 2, which produced Atheist's Paradise, a comedy--and drama--concerned with the origin of the universe and society's treatment of the dissident. In early 2013, theatrical sound designer Ed Moser, financial professional James Yap, and writer and producer Goodman incorporated the company as a non-profit organization. In November 2013, we produced the 15th century English drama The Summoning of Everyman, in which Everyman is summoned by Death.
In July 2014, we moved on to the 20th century with Chesapeake,by Lee Blessing, in which a strange man is transformed into a dog. For both shows, reviews have been unanimously positive.